Tuesday 8 January 2013

unit 1 task 1 D1

Common safety issues using blogsites

There are many common safety issues using blog sites like, giving out your personal information (e.g. addresses, numbers, bank account numbers), where you like to go, what school you go to, passwords, email addresses, etc.

All these common issues can cause people hacking into your account and them getting hold of even more personal information and can take over your account so you won’t be able to access it anymore.

It is highly recommended that you make strong passwords for you account and not leave yourself logged on when you are not using a computer because people can simply change your password so only they can get into your account and you can’t.

Also you shouldn’t reply to any emails from strangers because sooner or later they will find a way to hack into your account and take all your personal data.

1 comment:

  1. This and the previous post are a good start for m2, but you need more examples. If you list the precautions, you will also cover d1.
